
news/2024/7/20 20:22:38 标签: ios


A news item in TechCrunch details how Facebook is testing how to link users’ accounts with their subscriptions to newspapers and magazines: when the social network detects that the user is subscribed, it allows the news accessed within Facebook to be displayed in full and without restrictions, in addition to recommending more news from that same medium. The company said it had seen a 111% increase in clicks on articles, and between a 34% to 97% probability that the user decides to follow publication in question.

TechCrunch中的一个新闻项详细介绍了Facebook如何测试如何将用户帐户与其订阅的报纸和杂志相关联 :当社交网络检测到该用户已订阅时,它允许在Facebook内访问的新闻完整显示而不受限制,以及推荐来自同一媒体的更多新闻。 该公司表示,其文章点击量增加了111%,用户决定关注该出版物的可能性在34%至97%之间。

Facebook’s business model hasn’t changed: it still continues to manage its users, extracting the maximum amount of data it can from them. From its origins as a social network to keep people in touch, Facebook has been evolving towards a model of user quota capture, trying to get people to spend as much time as possible on the social network and do as much as possible there. When you consume news within Facebook, you are giving the company a very rich information profile about the topics that interest you, and enabling better targeted and increasingly profitable advertising. This is also useful for the company, because it means knowing more about the topics that are likely to polarize or influence users (in gradients based on your reactions, such as “reads it” versus “reads it and comments on it”, “reads it and reacts with an icon” or “reads it and shares it”), which is enormously valuable in election campaigns.

Facebook的商业模式没有改变:它仍然继续管理用户,从用户那里提取最大量的数据。 Facebook从其最初的与人保持联系的社交网络开始,一直朝着获取用户配额的模型发展,试图使人们在社交网络上花费尽可能多的时间,并在其中进行尽可能多的工作。 当您在Facebook上消费新闻时,您将为该公司提供有关您感兴趣的主题的非常丰富的信息资料,并实现更有针对性且收益越来越高的广告。 这对公司也很有用,因为它意味着更多地了解可能会引起两极分化或影响用户的主题(根据您的React以渐进的方式,例如“阅读”与“阅读并对其发表评论”,“阅读”并以图标的方式做出React”或“读取并共享”),这在选举活动中非常有价值。

But Facebook now faces a major obstacle: the next version of iOS, Apple’s operating system, which offers users much more complete information about how apps track their information. With a warning on your smartphone asking you to choose between “Allow tracking” or “Ask app not to track” your advertising ID (IDFA), it’s likely that the number of users who will choose to allow tracking will plummet. In response, is not just complaining about the control Apple has over its devices: it has decided not to collect the IDFA for any of its own apps on iOS 14 devices or to request the IDFA from apps in Audience Network. Neither will Facebook display Apple’s consent prompt or ask that apps in Audience Network do so on its behalf.

但是,Facebook现在面临着一个主要障碍: iOS的下一个版本 ,Apple的操作系统,它为用户提供有关应用程序如何跟踪其信息的更完整的信息。 当智能手机上出现警告,要求您在“允许跟踪”或“要求应用程序不跟踪”广告ID(IDFA)之间进行选择时,选择允许跟踪的用户数量可能会直线下降。 作为回应, 不仅仅是抱怨 关于苹果对其设备的控制权 :它决定不为其iOS 14设备上自己的任何应用收集IDFA或从Audience Network中的应用要求IDFA 。 Facebook既不会显示Apple的同意提示,也不会要求Audience Network中的应用程序代表其这样做。

Unfortunately for Facebook, the rate of upgrading to the latest version of the operating system is typically very high, which means that, in a short period of time, the performance of many of their campaigns can be severely impaired.


On the other side of the advertising ecosystem, in the web environment dominated by Google, things don’t look much better either: the majority browser, Chrome, has announced that it will stop supporting third party cookies in 2022, which could deprive Facebook of visibility over users’ navigation on other pages, particularly those that incorporate the company’s mechanisms such as likes or comments.

在广告生态系统的另一端, 在Google主导的网络环境中 ,情况看起来也没有好得多:大多数浏览器Chrome宣布将于2022年停止支持第三方Cookie ,这可能会使Facebook失去用户在其他页面上导航的可见性,尤其是那些包含公司机制(例如喜欢或评论)的页面。

If advertising on the web starts to suffer because those who own the browsers decide to make it more difficult, and in apps you find that those who control a part of the terminals — even if it is the minority in many countries — do the same, we can expect problems. Facebook has already warned its shareholders of this in the notes accompanying its results for the second quarter of 2020.

如果由于拥有浏览器的人决定增加难度而开始在网络上投放广告 ,而在应用程序中,您发现控制部分终端的人(即使在许多国家中是少数人)也会这样做,我们可以预料到问题。 Facebook已经警告股东 其中包括2020年第二季度业绩的注释。

Given that Apple now sells itself as the company that protects user privacy and that could, in fact, be developing its own search engine to compete with Google, Facebook’s position will be weakened even further: the prospect of a significant segment of users switching to a different search engine focused on protecting privacy is a circumstance that Facebook, whose business model is about exploiting privacy, doesn’t sound good at all.

鉴于苹果公司现在是作为保护用户隐私的公司出售自己的,并且实际上可以开发自己的搜索引擎来与Google竞争 ,因此Facebook的地位将进一步削弱:很大一部分用户转向使用Google的前景专注于保护隐私的不同搜索引擎的情况是,Facebook的商业模式是关于利用隐私的,它听起来一点也不好。

Things are rarely black or white, and Apple has been criticized for “grandstanding” over privacy while enabling the data economy it supposedly opposes, but in this battle and knowing the background to events, I know which side of the fence I’m still on.

事物很少是黑色或白色,并且苹果公司因在隐私方面享有“盛誉”,同时支持它所谓的数据经济而受到批评 ,但是在这场斗争中,并且知道事件的背景,我知道我仍然在篱笆的哪一边。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


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翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/privacy-facebook-faces-new-challenges-and-apple-virtue-signals-173534837b57




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