ios 仿facebook_为什么facebook非常担心苹果ios 14

news/2024/7/20 7:13:00 标签: ios

ios 仿facebook

By Jason Aten

杰森·阿滕(Jason Aten)

On Wednesday Facebook made it clear that it isn’t a fan of Apple’s upcoming version of iOS, the software the powers the iPhone. For once, however, this isn’t a dispute over App Store commissions or Apple’s controversial guidelines for reviewing new apps. Instead, in iOS 14, developers who want to track a user’s activity across different apps or sites will have to ask permission.

Facebook在周三明确表示,它不是Apple 即将推出的iOS版本的粉丝,而是iPhone的强大软件。 但是,这并不是一次有关App Store佣金或Apple审查新应用程序的有争议准则的争议 。 相反,在iOS 14中,想要跟踪用户在不同应用程序或网站上的活动的开发人员将必须征得许可。

One way that happens is by using Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers, or IDFA, which is a string of numbers that app services can use to associate activity with a particular device, and, as a result, person. In iOS 14, not only can users choose to turn off the IDFA, if they leave it on, apps will have to request permission to use it.

发生这种情况的一种方法是使用Apple的广告商标识符(IDFA),即ID,这是一串数字,应用程序服务可以使用这些数字将活动与特定设备关联,从而与个人关联。 在iOS 14中,用户不仅可以选择关闭IDFA,而且如果保持打开状态,则应用还必须请求使用权限。

Beyond the IDFA, however, iOS 14 generally requires apps to request permission for any kind of tracking. That’s bad news for Facebook (and Google, for that matter) since a large part of its business model is based on tracking pretty much everything we do online. What’s more, Facebook would rather users not think about that reality very often. The last thing Facebook wants to do is have to ask users every time they open the app if they have permission to track them.

但是,除IDFA之外,iOS 14通常要求应用程序请求任何形式的跟踪许可。 对于Facebook(和Google)而言,这是个坏消息,因为其很大一部分业务模式是基于跟踪我们在网上所做的几乎所有事情。 而且,Facebook希望用户不要经常考虑这个现实。 Facebook要做的最后一件事是,每次打开应用程序时都要询问用户是否有权跟踪他们。

The irony is that Facebook’s biggest concern is that Apple is doing too good a job at protecting privacy — arguably a good thing for users. It’s true that, when given a chance, some consumers will tap the button that blocks the ability for Facebook to track their activity. Very likely most will — that wouldn’t be a surprise to me at all.

具有讽刺意味的是,Facebook最大的担忧是苹果在保护隐私方面做得太好了,这对用户来说无疑是一件好事。 的确,有机会,一些消费者会点击按钮,从而阻止Facebook追踪其活动的能力。 最有可能的是,这绝对不会让我感到惊讶。

It’s also true that when that happens, it’s much harder (though not entirely impossible) to target those consumers with ads based on what they do online. Facebook argues that that makes it harder for businesses to reach the customers most likely to buy their products and services with relevant ads. While that’s true, the difference is that the argument Facebook is making is purely about business. Apple is making a moral case.

的确,发生这种情况时,要根据他们在网上的行为为他们定位广告,从而使这些消费者变得更加困难(尽管并非完全不可能)。 Facebook认为,这使得企业更难通过最相关的广告吸引最有可能购买其产品和服务的客户。 没错,但不同之处在于Facebook提出的论点纯粹是关于业务的。 苹果提出了道德上的理由。

To that end, Facebook is saying that iOS could result in a 50 percent drop in revenue for what is known as Audience Network. That’s Facebook’s advertising product that serves up ads within apps based on a user’s activity elsewhere. Audience Network is only a small part of the $70 billion in advertising revenue the company rakes in, but it isn’t hard to see why Facebook would be concerned.

为此,Facebook表示iOS可能会导致所谓的“受众网络”的收入下降50%。 这是Facebook的广告产品,可根据用户在其他地方的活动在应用内投放广告。 Audience Network仅占公司700亿美元广告收入的一小部分,但不难看出Facebook为何会对此感到担忧。

We expect these changes will disproportionately affect Audience Network given its heavy dependence on app advertising. Like all ad networks on iOS 14, advertiser ability to accurately target and measure their campaigns on Audience Network will be impacted, and as a result publishers should expect their ability to effectively monetize on Audience Network to decrease. Ultimately, despite our best efforts, Apple’s updates may render Audience Network so ineffective on iOS 14 that it may not make sense to offer it on iOS 14.

鉴于受众网络对应用广告的高度依赖,我们预计这些变化将对受众网络产生不成比例的影响。 与iOS 14上的所有广告网络一样,广告商在受众网络上准确定位和衡量其广告系列的能力也会受到影响,因此,发布商应期望其在受众网络上有效获利的能力下降。 最终,尽管我们尽了最大努力,但苹果的更新可能使Audience Network在iOS 14上如此无效,因此在iOS 14上提供它可能没有意义。

The real issue isn’t the loss in revenue that might result from people opting out of tracking. The real issue is that Apple has made it clear that it intends to pull back the curtain on the extent to which companies like Facebook are collecting and monetizing everything we do online.

真正的问题不是人们选择不跟踪而造成的收入损失。 真正的问题在于,苹果公司已经明确表示,它打算拉开诸如Facebook之类的公司正在收集和货币化我们在线所做的一切的程度的帷幕。

That isn’t new, Apple has made a series of changes to both iOS and macOS to highlight when websites and apps are trying to use your personal information. In iOS 13, Apple introduced “Sign in with Apple,” as an alternative to the single sign-on options from Facebook and Google. In fact, the company required developers to offer Sign in With Apple if they offered the other options.

这并不是什么新鲜事,Apple对iOS和macOS进行了一系列更改,以突出显示网站和应用程序尝试使用您的个人信息的时间。 在iOS 13中,Apple引入了“使用Apple登录”作为Facebook和Google单一登录选项的替代方法。 实际上,该公司要求开发人员如果提供其他选项,则必须提供“使用Apple登录”。

The difference is that Apple’s version allows users to hide their information, creating a randomized email login. It also prevents the other tech giants from knowing which apps you sign in to on your iPhone.

区别在于,Apple的版本允许用户隐藏其信息,从而创建随机的电子邮件登录名。 它还会阻止其他技术巨头知道您在iPhone上登录了哪些应用。

Apple’s recent versions of Safari also prevent third-party cookies by default. Those are the little pieces of code that websites leave in your browser that allow them to track you across the internet, which are used by Facebook to build a profile on you.

Apple的Safari的最新版本默认情况下也阻止第三方cookie。 这些是网站留在您的浏览器中的小段代码,它们使它们可以在互联网上跟踪您,Facebook使用这些代码在您上建立个人资料。

Facebook’s extremely profitable business model is most vulnerable when people start to realize exactly how much information the company collects, and the ways it monetizes that information. That, ultimately, is what bothers Facebook about iOS 14 — it makes it clear exactly what’s happening with your privacy, and gives you the ability to opt-out.

当人们开始确切地意识到公司收集了多少信息以及该信息货币化的方式时,Facebook极为有利可图的商业模式最脆弱。 最终,这就是Facebook困扰iOS 14的原因-它可以清楚地说明您的隐私发生了什么,并使您可以选择退出。

Make no mistake, this will have an impact on small businesses that advertise on Facebook. If that’s you, then you should certainly be considering what that impact will be, and how it fits into your overall digital marketing strategy. Also, to be candid, if your business is based on a strategy that most people will opt out of when given the chance, it might be time to reconsider whether that’s the best strategy.

毫无疑问,这将对在Facebook上刊登广告的小型企业产生影响。 如果是这样,那么您当然应该考虑那种影响,以及它如何适合您的整体数字营销策略。 另外,坦率地说,如果您的业务基于大多数人在有机会时都会选择退出的策略,那么可能是时候重新考虑这是否是最佳策略了。

The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of



ios 仿facebook


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