iOS Widget Custom Intent 去除邮件警告

news/2024/7/20 20:08:15 标签: ios, Widget, swift

当实现了可编辑小组件功能后,打包上传到app store,收到了苹果发来的邮件。

We noticed one or more issues with a recent delivery for the following app:
• Version 4.0.5
• Build 116
Although delivery was successful, you may want to correct the following issues in your next delivery. Once you’ve corrected the issues, upload a new binary to App Store Connect.
ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - No example phrase was provided for INSearchForMessagesIntent in the ‘en’ language. Please refer to ‘’
ITMS-90626: Invalid Siri Support - No example phrase was provided for INSetMessageAttributeIntent in the ‘en’ language. Please refer to ‘’
ITMS-90626: In



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