
news/2024/7/20 20:44:48 标签: ios
  • 引言
  • 为什么要自定义ScrollIndictor
  • 现有滚动条显示方案
     3.设置TableView,CollectionView, ScrollVIew的Tag值等于 noDisableVerticalScrollTag 或者 noDisableHorizontalScrollTag。
#define noDisableVerticalScrollTag 836913
#define noDisableHorizontalScrollTag 836914
#import "UIImageView+ForScrollView.h"
@implementation UIImageView (ForScrollView)

- ( void) setAlpha:( CGFloat)alpha {
    if ( self. superview. tag == noDisableVerticalScrollTag) {
        if (alpha == 0 && self. autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin) {
            if ( self. frame. size. width < 10 && self. frame. size. height > self. frame. size. width) {
                UIScrollView *sc = ( UIScrollView*) self. superview;
                if (sc. frame. size. height < sc. contentSize. height) {
    if ( self. superview. tag == noDisableHorizontalScrollTag) {
        if (alpha == 0 && self. autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin) {
            if ( self. frame. size. height < 10 && self. frame. size. height < self. frame. size. width) {
                UIScrollView *sc = ( UIScrollView*) self. superview;
                if (sc. frame. size. width < sc. contentSize. width) {
    [ super setAlpha:alpha];
  • 现有方案存在的问题
  • 开始自定义之旅
#import "BaseCollectionView.h"
#import "Constants.h"

@implementation BaseCollectionView{
    UIView *scrollIndicatorView;
    CGFloat contentSizeHeight;

- ( void)drawRect:( CGRect)rect {
    [ self enableCustomVerticalScrollIndicatorWithColor:[ UIColor lightGrayColor]];

- ( void)reloadData{
    [ super reloadData];
    [ self setNeedsDisplay];

- ( UIView *)createIndicatorViewWithFrame:( CGRect) frame{
    UIView *indicator = [[ UIView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
    indicator. layer. cornerRadius = ScrollIndicatorWidth/ 2.0f;
    //    viewScrollIndicator.alpha = 0.0f;
    //    viewScrollIndicator.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f;
    //    viewScrollIndicator.layer.borderColor = indicatorColor.CGColor;
    [ self addSubview:indicator];

    return indicator;

//Calculate the real height of scroll indictor accroding to the content size.
- ( CGFloat)getNormalScrollIndictorHeight{
    CGFloat percent = self. frame. size. height / self. contentSize. height;
    float normalHeight = MAX( 0.0f,(percent * self.frame.size.height));
    return normalHeight;

- ( void)enableCustomVerticalScrollIndicatorWithColor:( UIColor *)indicatorColor
    self. showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
    float height = [ self getNormalScrollIndictorHeight];
    CGRect frame = CGRectMake( self. frame. size. width - ScrollIndicatorWidth - ScrollIndicatorRightSpace, 0.0f, ScrollIndicatorWidth, height);
    if( scrollIndicatorView == nil){
        scrollIndicatorView = [ self createIndicatorViewWithFrame:frame];
        [ self addKVOObservers];
        scrollIndicatorView. frame = frame;
    [ scrollIndicatorView setBackgroundColor:[indicatorColor colorWithAlphaComponent: 0.75]];
    //If content size is larger than frame size, the indictor will be displayed.
    if( self. frame. size. height >= self. contentSize. height){
        scrollIndicatorView. alpha = 0;
        scrollIndicatorView. alpha = 1.0;
    [ self refreshVerticalScrollIndicator];

- ( void)refreshVerticalScrollIndicator
    if ( self. contentSize. height <= 0) {
    //Get the current frame of scroll indicator
    CGRect rect = scrollIndicatorView. frame;
    //Get the normal height of Indicator
    float normalHeight = [ self getNormalScrollIndictorHeight];
    //Calculate the real content offset ratio.
    CGFloat maxConentOffset = self. contentSize. height - self. frame. size. height;
    CGFloat offsetRatio = self. contentOffset. y / maxConentOffset;
    //Calculate the indictor offset
    CGFloat maxIndicatorOffset = ( self. frame. size. height - normalHeight);
    CGFloat indicatorOffset = offsetRatio * maxIndicatorOffset;
    //if scrolling out of top limitation, the scroll indictor will be compressed.
    if (indicatorOffset < 0) {
        rect. size. height = normalHeight + indicatorOffset;
    //if scrolling out of bottom limitation, the scroll indictor will be compressed again.
    else if(indicatorOffset > self. frame. size. height - normalHeight){
        rect. size. height = normalHeight- (indicatorOffset - maxIndicatorOffset);
        //        indicatorOffset = self.frame.size.height - normalHeight;
        rect. size. height = normalHeight;
    rect. origin. yself. contentOffset. y + MAX( 0.0f,indicatorOffset);
    if (rect. size. height < ScrollIndicatorMinHeight) {
        rect. size. height = ScrollIndicatorMinHeight;
    scrollIndicatorView. frame = rect;

- ( void)dealloc
    [ self removeKVOObservers];

#pragma mark - KVO

- ( void)addKVOObservers
    [ self addObserver: self forKeyPath: @"contentSize" options:( NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context: NULL];
    [ self addObserver: self forKeyPath: @"contentOffset" options:( NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context: NULL];

- ( void)removeKVOObservers
    [ self removeObserver: self forKeyPath: @"contentSize"];
    [ self removeObserver: self forKeyPath: @"contentOffset"];

- ( void) observeValueForKeyPath: ( NSString *) keyPath ofObject: ( id) object change: ( NSDictionary *) change context: ( void *) context
    if ( self. contentSize. width > 0.0f) {
        [ self refreshVerticalScrollIndicator];
         UIView *viewScrollIndicator = [self getViewForHorizontalScrollIndicator];
         CGRect rect =  self.frame;
         CGFloat pourcent = self.contentOffset.x / self.contentSize.width;
         viewScrollIndicator.hidden = self.contentSize.width < self.frame.size.width;
         rect.size.width = self.frame.size.width * (self.frame.size.width / self.contentSize.width);
         rect.origin.x = pourcent * self.frame.size.width;
         viewScrollIndicator.frame = rect;

  • 有待完善和改进的地方


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